All Reports

Audience: Landlords & Property Managers

Housters has various Reports to make it easy for you to get a rundown of your rental property financial performance, tenant rent payment history, and more. Below is a list of the reports that you can run.

Accounting Reports

  • Income Report – View income transactions, broken down by transaction type. Filterable by date range, property, and tenant.
  • Expenses Report – View expense transactions, broken down by transaction type. Filterable by date range, property, and tenant.
  • Income vs. Expenses Report – View income transactions vs. expense transactions to come up with your net income. Filterable by date range, property, and tenant.
  • Taxable Income Report – View taxable income transactions, tax-deductible expense transactions, and trips to come up with your taxable income. Filterable by date range and property.
  • Net Operating Income Report – View income transactions and operating cost transactions to come up with your net operating income. Filterable by date range, property, and tenant. Note: Mortgage expenses are NOT operating costs!
  • General Ledger Report – View transactions. Filterable by date range, property, tenant, vendor, transaction type, and whether the transactions were reconciled or not.
  • Networth Report – Come up with your networth gain or loss by looking at gross income, expenses, and tax implications. Filterable by date range and property.
  • Trip Report – View rental-related trips, which (depending on your country) could be deducted on your taxes. Filterable by date range.
  • Balance Sheet Report – View balance sheet for all asset, equity, and liability accounts. (Only viewable when Double Entry Accounting Mode is enabled)

Property Management Reports

  • Property Management Payments Report – View rent payment transactions and property management payment transactions, then view property management payments due by contract period to come up with the amount due to or from the landlord. Filterable by date range and landlord. (Only viewable for Property Managers)

Property Reports

  • Mortgage Report – View a property’s mortgage amortization schedule (principal vs. interest paid per payment period) and principal balance. Filterable by property.
  • Occupancy Report – View a breakdown of date ranges when properties and units were vacant vs. occupied to come up with the occupancy rate %. Filterable by date range and property.
  • Projections Report – View a comparison of how a property is performing financially compared to how it was originally projected to perform. Filterable by year.

Tenant Reports

  • Rent Status by Tenant Report – View a breakdown of how much rent was due and paid per rent period for each tenant, to come up with the tenants’ rent statuses. Filterable by property, tenant, tenant rent status, and rent due date.
  • Tenant Rent History Report – View a breakdown of how much rent was due and paid per rent period for a single tenant, to come up with the tenant’s rent status. Filterable by property and tenant.
  • Security Deposit by Tenant Report – View a breakdown of security deposits due and paid for each tenant, to come up with the tenants’ deposit statuses. Filterable by property and tenant.

Task Management Reports

  • To-Do List Report – View to-do list tasks. Filterable by date range, property, tenant, vendor, and whether the task was completed or not.
  • Vendor Report – View expense payments and to-do list tasks by vendor. Filterable by vendor and date range.

Other Reports

  • Message History Report – View a history of messages sent through Housters. Filterable by date range, property, and tenant.

Reports can either be run and displayed directly on Housters, exported to Excel, or exported to PDF. PDF reports can optionally be emailed to a recipient.